Sunday, November 15, 2009

Does changing the pronunciation of a name change its meaning?

Like, the Japanese name Sakura means cherry blossom when you pronounce it like SAH-ker-uh, right?

If I pronounced it like Suh-KER-uh, but spelled it the same way, would it change the meaning or would it still mean cherry blossom?

Does changing the pronunciation of a name change its meaning?
If it is a homonym ("same name"), changing the pronunciation changes its meaning.

Often a different inflection makes a different meaning, even in English. For example, if your love want you to join them in the bedroom to sort clothes for laundry or for "other activity", the request could be said with the same words before different tones to indicate the nature of the request.
Reply:I don't know about Japanese but , in English it can make a difference such as LIVE (pronounced liive) and LIVE (pronouned lyve) . Then there is English To,Too,Two all pronounced the same but vastly different meanings .

In French the words for green , worm , veers, and glass are all pronounced alike(some slight differences to the purist French)

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